Current weather in Vantaa, Finland
60°17'N, 24°53'E
Latest measurement date 2024-12-21, local time 18:46 (EET)
Temperature |
Wind speed and direction |
Temperature instant | -1.8 | °C |
Temperature max. (at 11:28) | -0.1 | °C |
Temperature min. (at 01:21) | -4.8 | °C |
Dew point | -2.4 | °C |
Global Radiation | NA | W/m² |
Wind speed | 0.7 | m/s |
Wind direction | 21 | ° |
Air pressure | 992.5 | hPa |
Relative humidity | 96 | % |
Visibility | 19000 | m |
Present weather | NA |
Rain accumulation | NA | mm/60 min |
Cloud height | 930 | m |
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