visualization. The Vaisala Indigo510 Transmitter is an ideal choice
for demanding industrial applications where precise and accurate
measurements are needed for a single parameter at a time. With
Indigo510 transmitter, customers benefit from regular platform and
software updates.
Weather and Environment business area’s strategy strives to oer
industry-leading products for weather observations, to excel in large
project deliveries, to grow in renewable energy market, to develop
digital solutions for selected weather critical operations, and to expand
into environmental measurements. In 2021, Weather and Environment
business area’s success in renewable energy market segment was
excellent and expansion to new market segments progressed well in
maritime, automotive, and urban weather segments. Large weather
infrastructure opportunities continued to suer from the exceptional
market situation. Digital services’ gross margin improved, although
net sales remained at previous year’s level. In January 2022, Vaisala
acquired US-based software company AerisWeather, to accelerate
growth of weather and environmental data business. AerisWeather
enables Vaisala to expand its oering and opens access for Vaisala’s
leading data oering to several new customer segments.
Weather and Environment business area’s strategic objective is to
build technology leadership and renew its product and service oering.
In 2021, business area launched an unprecedented lidar ceilometer that
improves standard ceilometer reporting by leveraging depolarization
technology, providing more refined and accurate data for greater
situational awareness. The depolarization measurement capabilities
enable accurate liquid/frozen dierentiation, detection of dust, sand,
and volcanic ash layers. This will enable nowcasting for safer air travel
and operations, improved air quality modelling, and the ability to make
short-term forecasts of precipitation.
Weather and Environment business area also launched world-class
air quality sensor to enhance quality of life, safety, eciency, and sus-
tainability in communities. By identifying pollutant gases and particles
in real time, the new sensor advances Vaisala’s oering to improve
decision-making and empower stakeholders in urban communities
around the world. This new sensor can be connected to customer’s
own system or to Vaisala’s innovative weather and environmental
intelligence platform. When paired with Vaisala Beacon Weather
Station and Wx Beacon UI for measurement data, stakeholders also
gain access to additional key weather parameters, plus connectivity to
transfer, manage, and visualize all of the data.
In addition, Weather and Environment business area launched
industry leading automatic weather station to empower communities
across the world to keep citizens safe and secure. This automatic
weather station is a comprehensive measurement, communication, and
data monitoring solution that makes modern observation networks
easy to create, manage, and maintain over a long lifespan.
Moreover, Weather and Environment business area introduced
a state-of-the-art sounding system that delivers industry-first
capabilities, including readiness to conduct simultaneous upper air
observations, to provide unprecedented visibility into rapidly changing
weather conditions and enhance forecasting accuracy. It enables
superior operational performance and dependability over a long life
cycle and its compact design is purpose built for operating in versatile
environments. The system is intuitive and easy to use with access to
real-time sounding status information and comprehensive diagnostics,
and its data security provides protection against data threats and
unauthorized access.
Weather and Environment business area also launched a new Strike
Damage Potential solution that quickly identifies and locates lightning
strikes with greater potential to cause damage or start a fire, allowing
preventative action to stop escalation of a problem. The user interface,
Lightning Exporter, was updated to make the information easy to
access and to be clearly presented on the map display. Customers
can incorporate the information in their own applications using the
Lightning Integrator API.
In addition, Weather and Environment business area upgraded its
solution for road asset management. This version provides better user
experience through new segment-based data model, whole network
wide map layer, and improved performance. Also trac sign classifica-
tion models for Australia and United States were added enabling trac
sign mapping in these countries. RoadAI API was updated allowing
more functionalities to be done over the interface including modifying
and deleting annotations and using dierent coordinate systems.
Vaisala Operations manufactures products for both business areas
and develops operational excellence in high mix low volume supply
chain through Vaisala Production System. Strategic programs are
productivity improvement, early involvement to product creation, as
well as scouting and deploying latest smart factory technologies.
In 2021, operations expanded its production space as well as
warehouse capacity through automation in order to respond to
strong increase in demand. Despite shortage of components and
capacity increases, delivery capability was solid through-out the year.
Operations also introduced several new measures and practices to
improve product quality. Operations participated in multiple product
development projects together with business areas in order to ensure
good producibility and timely production ramp-up.
Vaisala’s process development focused on customer facing proces-
ses. Implementation of CPQ (Configure Price and Quote) progressed
well in both business areas. Development project of new ERP
(Enterprise Resource Planning) solution was kicked-o, and project for
developing data and analytics solution was initiated.
Strategy update and long-term financial targets
In September, Vaisala's Board of Directors approved the company’s
strategy and updated long-term financial targets for the next three
Vaisala’s strategy focuses on driving sustainable growth and global
leadership in weather, environmental, and industrial measurements.
Through its products and technologies, Vaisala enables business-criti-
cal decisions and operations for its customers. Thereby, the company
strongly contributes to solving global challenges related to climate
change, resource eciency, and well-being and health.
Vaisala aims to be market leader in the markets where it operates.
The company has identified four drivers for successful strategy
• Product and technology leadership from sensors to digital
• Deep customer understanding and application knowhow
Key figures Board of Directors’ Report Financial statements 2021 Auditor’s report